Terms, First-Order Formulas
First-Order Signature
A first-order signature is a 4-tuple \((Co, Fu, Re, r)\) where:
- \(Co\) is a set (possibly empty) of symbols called the constant symbols;
- \(Fu\) is a set (possibly empty) of symbols called the function symbols;
- \(Re\) is a set (possibly empty) of symbols called the relation symbols;
- \(Co\), \(Fu\), \(Re\) are pairwise disjoint;
- \(r\) is a function taking each symbol \(s\) in \(Fu \cup Re\) to a positive integer \(r(s)\) called the rank (or arity) of \(s\). We say a symbol is \(n\)-ary if it has arity \(n\); binary means 2-ary.
The variables of \(LR(\sigma)\) are the infinitely many symbols
which we assume are not in \(\sigma\).
Let \(\sigma = (Co, Fu, Re, r)\) be a first-order signature. A term of \(LR(\sigma)\) is defined as follows:
- Every constant symbol of \(\sigma\) is a term of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- Every variable is a term of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- For every function symbol \(F\) of \(\sigma\), if \(F\) has arity \(n\) and \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\) are terms of \(LR(\sigma)\), then \(F(t_1, \ldots, t_n)\) is a term of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- Nothing is a term of \(LR(\sigma)\) except as implied by (1), (2), (3).
Let \(\sigma = (Co, Fu, Re, r)\) be a first-order signature. A formula of \(LR(\sigma)\) is defined as follows:
- If \(s\) and \(t\) are terms of \(LR(\sigma)\), then the expression \((s=t)\) is a formula of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- If \(R\) is a relation symbol of arity \(n\) in \(\sigma\) and \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\) are terms of \(LR(\sigma)\), then the expression \(R(t_1, \ldots, t_n)\) is a formula of \(LR(\sigma)\)
- \(\bot\) is a formula of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- If \(\varphi\) and \(\psi\) are formulas of \(LR(\sigma)\), then so are the following expressions: \((\neg\varphi)\), \((\varphi\wedge\psi)\), \((\varphi\vee\psi)\), \((\varphi\rightarrow\psi)\), and \((\varphi\leftrightarrow\psi)\),
- If \(\varphi\) is a formula of \(LR(\sigma)\) and \(v\) is a variable, then the expressions \(\forall v\varphi\) and \(\exists v\varphi\) are formulas of \(LR(\sigma)\).
- Nothing is a formula of \(LR(\sigma)\) except as implied by (1)–(5).
The atomic formulas are the formulas constructed using clauses 1, 2 and 3.
A formula is quantifier-free if \(\forall\) and \(\exists\) does not occur anywhere in the formula.
Example 1
Let \(\sigma = (\{c,d\}, \{f, g\}, \{P, Q\}, r)\) where \(r(f)=2\), \(r(g)=1\), \(r(P)=1\) and \(r(Q)=3\).
The following are examples of terms of \(LR(\sigma)\) (you should draw the parse tree for each of the terms):
- \(x_0\)
- \(c\)
- \(f(c,x_0)\)
- \(f(f(f(d,x_0),c),g(c))\)
- \(g(f(g(c),c))\)
Examples of quantifier-free formulas of \(LR(\sigma)\) include: (you should draw the parse tree for each of these formulas)
- \(x_0 = x_1\)
- \(c=d\)
- \(f(c,d)=x_1 \wedge g(x_0)=c\)
- \((\neg (P(d) \rightarrow Q(g(x_0), d, x_0)))\)
- \((x_0=c)\wedge \neg P(g(x_0))\)
Examples of formulas of \(LR(\sigma)\) include the above 5 quantifier-free formulas plus all of the following: (you should draw the parse tree for each of these formulas)
- \(\exists x_0 (x_0 = x_1)\)
- \(\exists x_0 (x_0 = c)\)
- \((\forall x_1\exists x_0 (x_0 = x_1)\wedge \forall x_2 P(x_2))\)
- \((\forall x_0 P(c)\wedge \exists x_1 P(x_1))\)
- \(\forall x_0\exists x_1 Q(c, x_0, x_1)\)
- \((P(x_0)\wedge P(x_1))\)
- \(\forall x_0 P(x_0)\)
- \(\forall x_1 P(x_0)\)
- \(\forall x_0 (P(x_0)\rightarrow P(c))\)
- \(\forall x_0 (Q(x_0,c,x_1)\rightarrow (P(f(c))\wedge \exists x_2 P(g(x_2,d,f(c)))))\)
The Language of Arithmetic
Let \(\sigma_{arith}\) be the following signature:
- There is a single constant symbol \(\bar{0}\)
- There are three function symbols: \(\bar{S}\), \(\bar{+}\) and \(\bar{\times}\). The function symbol \(\bar{S}\) has arity 1 and \(\bar{+}\) and \(\bar{\times}\) have arity 2.
- There are no relation symbols.
The resulting language \(LR(\sigma_{arith})\) is the first-order language of arithmetic.
The following are examples of terms of \(LR(\sigma_{arith})\) (you should draw the parse tree for each of the terms):
- \(x_0\)
- \(\bar{0}\)
- \(\bar{S}(\bar{S}(\bar{0}))\)
Informally, we typically write this as \(\bar{S}\bar{S}(\bar{0})\) - \(\bar{+}(\bar{S}(\bar{S}(\bar{0})), x_0)\).
Informally, we typically write this as \((\bar{S}\bar{S}(\bar{0}) \bar{+} x_0)\) - \(\bar{+}(\bar{\times}(\bar{S}(\bar{S}(\bar{0})),x_0), \bar{S}(\bar{0}))\)
Informally, we typically write this as \((\bar{S}\bar{S}(\bar{0}) \bar{\times} x_0) \bar{+} \bar{S}(\bar{0})\)
Examples of quantifier-free formulas of \(LR(\sigma_{arith})\) include: (you should draw the parse tree for each of these formulas)
- \(x_0 = x_1\)
- \(\bar{0}=\bar{S}(\bar{0})\)
- \((\neg(\bar{0}=\bar{S}(\bar{0})))\)
Informally, we typically write this as \((\bar{0}\neq \bar{S}(\bar{0}))\) - \(\bar{S}(\bar{0})\bar{+} \bar{S}\bar{S}(\bar{0}) = \bar{S}(\bar{S}(\bar{0})\bar{+} \bar{S}(\bar{0}))\)
- \(((x_1=\bar{0}) \wedge x_2\bar{\times} x_1 = \bar{S}(\bar{0}))\)
Examples of formulas of \(LR(\sigma_{arith})\) include the above 5 quantifier-free formulas plus all of the following: (you should draw the parse tree for each of these formulas)
- \(\exists x_0 (x_0 = \bar{S}\bar{S}\bar{S}(\bar{0}))\)
- \(\forall x_0 (x_0 \neq \bar{S}(x_0))\)
- \(\forall x_0 \exists x_1 (x_0 = \bar{S}(x_1))\)
- \(\forall x_0 (x_0 \bar{+} \bar{0} = x_0)\)
- \(\forall x_0 ( \bar{0} \bar{+} x_0 = x_0)\)
- \(\forall x_0 \forall x_1 ((x_0 \bar{+} \bar{S}(x_0)) = \bar{S}(x_0\bar{+} x_1))\)
For each natural number \(n\in\mathbb{N}\), let \(\bar{n}\) be the term consisting of \(n\) applications of the function symbol \(\bar{S}\) to the constant \(\bar{0}\). That is,
Examples of numerals include:
Important Point
It is very important to understand the difference betweent the following two statements:
- \(\forall x(x \bar{+} \bar{0} = x)\)
- For all \(n\in\mathbb{N}\), \(\bar{n} \bar{+} \bar{0}=\bar{n}\)
Statement 1 is a formula of first-order arithmetic. Statement 2 is not a formula of first-order arithmetic. It is a formula schema: a shorthand for expressing infinitely many atomic formulas of first-order arithmetic. That is, statement 2 is short hand for the following list of formulas:
- \(\bar{0} \bar{+} \bar{0}=\bar{0}\)
- \(\bar{1} \bar{+} \bar{0}=\bar{1}\)
- \(\bar{2} \bar{+} \bar{0}=\bar{2}\)
- \(\cdots\)
The Language of Linear Orders
Let \(\sigma_{lin}\) be the following signature:
- There are no constant symbols.
- There are no function symbols.
- There is a single binary relation symbol \(<\).
The only terms of \(LR(\sigma_{lin})\) are the variables \(x_0, x_1, \ldots\).
Examples of formulas of \(LR(sigma_{arith})\) include:
- \(x_0 < x_1\)
- \(\forall x_0 \exists x_1 (x_0 < x_1)\)
- \(\forall x_0\forall x_1\forall x_2(((x_0 < x_1) \wedge (x_1 < x_2)) \rightarrow (x_0 < x_2))\)
- \(\forall x_0(\neg (x_0 < x_0))\)
- \(\forall x_0\exists x_1(x_1 < x_0)\)
Free/Bound Variables
(Definition 5.1.1) An occurrence of a variable in a piece of mathematical text is said to be free if the text allows us to read the variable as a name. If not free, the occurrence is bound. When an occurrence of a variable in the text is bound, there must always be something in the text that prevents us taking the occurrence as a name.
If \(t\) is a term, then \(x\) is free in \(t\) if \(x\) occurs in \(t\).
Free Occurrence of a Variable
Suppose that \(x\) is a variable. Then, \(x\) occurs free in \(\varphi\) is defined as follows:
- If \(\varphi\) is an atomic formula, then \(x\) occurs free in \(\varphi\) provided \(x\) occurs in \(\phi\) (i.e., is a symbol in \(\varphi\)).
- \(x\) occurs free in \(\neg\psi\) iff \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi\)
- \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi_1\wedge\psi_2\) iff \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi_1\) or \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi_2\) (similarly for the other Boolean connectives \(\vee\), \(\rightarrow\), \(\leftrightarrow\))
- \(x\) occurs free in \((\forall y)\psi\) iff \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi\) and \(x\ne y\)
- \(x\) occurs free in \((\exists y)\psi\) iff \(x\) occurs free in \(\psi\) and \(x\ne y\)
A variable \(x\) that is not free is said to be bound.
Closed Term/Sentence
A term that does not contain any variables is said to be a closed term. Formulas that do not contain any free variables are called sentences.
Variable Occurrences
We sometimes need to talk about different occurrences of a variable in a formula. For example, in the formula:
There is one free variable \(x\). Note that \(x\) occurrs twice in this formula: Once in the left conjunct and once in the right conjunct. The variable \(x\) occurs three times in the following formula:
Note that same variable may occur both as a bound variable and a free variable in a formula:
In the above formula, \(x\) is free because it occurs free in the right conjunct \(R(c,x)\).