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Parse Trees and Compositional Definitions


  1. What is the formula associated with the following parse tree?

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    \((p_0 \wedge (\neg p_1))\)

  2. Find the parse tree for the formula \(((\neg p_2)\vee p_1)\).

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  3. Find the parse tree for the formula \((p_1 \rightarrow (p_1\wedge p_2))\).

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  4. The following compositional definition assigns a number, called the Gödel number, to each propositional formula.

    • What is the Gödel number of the formula \((\neg(\neg p_3))\)?
    • What is the Gödel number of the formula \((\bot \wedge (p_0 \vee p_0))\)?
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    • The Gödel number of the formula \((\neg(\neg p_3))\) is: \(2^{2^{19}\times 3^9}\times 3^9\).
    • The Gödel number of the formula \((\bot \wedge (p_0 \vee p_0))\) is \(2^{11}\times 3^{2^{13}\times 3^{13}\times 5^3}\times 5^1\)