Trees play an important role in logical systems. In this tutorial, I will introduce some terminology for reasoning about trees.
A tree is a tuple \((T, E)\), where \(T\) is a nonempty set, whose elements are called nodes, and \(E\) is a relation on \(T\), \(E\subseteq T\times T\), called the immediate edge relation, satisfying the following conditions: For all nodes, \(n, n', m\in T\),
- Every node has a unique predecessor: If \(nEm\) and \(n' Em\), then \(n=n'\),
- There are no cycles: If \((n_1,\ldots, n_k)\) is a sequence of nodes where for each \(i=1,\ldots, k-1\), \(n_iEn_{i+1}\), then \(n_1\ne n_k\), and
- Between any two nodes there is a unique path: For each \(n, n'\in T\) there is a unique sequence \(n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_m\) such that \(n=n_1En_2\cdots En_m=n'\).
The following terminology will be used when talking about trees. Let \((T, E)\) be a tree.
- For a node \(n\in T\), the successors or children of \(n\) are \(\{n'\ |\ nEn'\}\).
- For a node \(n\in T\), the predecessor or parent of \(n\) is the set \(\{n'\ |\ n'En\}\). Note that this set contains either no elements or exactly one element.
- A node \(n\in T\) is called the root of the tree when the set of predecessors of \(n\) is \(\varnothing\).
- The arity of a node is the number of successors. The leaves of a tree are the nodes with no successors (i.e., the nodes with arity 0).
- A path in \((T,E)\) is a sequence of nodes connected by an edge relation: that is, a path is a sequence \((n_1,n_2,\ldots, n_k)\) such that for each \(i=1,\ldots,k-1\), \(n_iEn_{i+1}\). The length of a path is equal to the number of edges along that path (equivalently, one minus the number of nodes).
- The height of \((T,E)\) is the length of the longest path.
As an example, let \(T\) and \(E\) be defined as follows:
We can depict this tree as follows:
- The root of the above tree is \(n_1\) The leaves are \(n_8, n_5, n_4,\) and \(n_7\).
- The successors of \(n_3\) are \(\{n_6,n_5, n_4\}\) and the predecessor of \(n_3\) is \(\{n_1\}\).
- An example of two paths in the tree are \((n_3,n_5)\) and \((n_1,n_3,n_6)\).
- The height of the tree is 3: the longest path in the tree is \((n_1,n_3,n_6, n_8)\) which has length 3.
We defined the predecessor of a node as a set, but the set will consist of either no elements (if the node is a root) or a single element (since every node as at most one predecessor). So, we will often say, for instance, "the parent of \(n_3\) is \(n_1\)".
A labelling of a tree \((T,E)\) is a function \(f\) defined on the set of nodes deļ¬ned on the set of nodes \(T\). The labelling \(f\) is a right labelling when we write \(f(n)\) to the right of eacn node \(n\), and a left labelling when we write \(f(n)\) to the left of each noe \(n\). A labelled tree is a tree together with a labelling.
A binary tree is a tree where every node has at most 2 children. Suppose that there are 6 nodes, i.e., \(T=\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}\). What is the maximum height of a binary tree on \(T\)? What is the minimum height of a binary tree on \(T\)?
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The maximum height of a binary tree with 6 nodes is 5:
graph LR A((1)) --> B((2)); B((2)) --> C((3)); C((3)) --> D((4)); D((4)) --> E((5)); E((5)) --> F((6));
The minimum height of a binary tree with 6 nodes is 2:
graph TD A((1)) --> B((2)); A((1)) --> C((3)); B((2)) --> D((4)); B((2)) --> E((5)); C((3)) --> F((6));
In general, the minimum height of a binary tree with \(n\) nodes is \(\lfloor\log_2(n)\rfloor\).
Consider the following tree:
graph TD A((2)) --> B((1)); A((2)) --> C((3)); B((1)) --> D((4)); C((3)) --> F((6)); F((6)) --> E((5)); F((6)) --> G((7));
- What is the height of the tree?
- Which node is the root of the tree?
- Which nodes are the leaves of the tree?
- Which nodes are all the children of node 6?
- Is the tree a binary tree?
- Which node is the predecessor of 3?
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- The height of the tree is 3.
- The root of the tree is node 2.
- The leaves of the tree are \(\{4, 5, 7\}\).
- The children of node 6 are \(\{5, 7\}\).
- The tree is a binary tree (the arity of every node is either 0, 1 or 2)
- The predecessor of 3 is node 2.