This webpage contains tutorials for PHIL 370 - Logical Theory I: Metatheory, Spring 2021. The tutorials will contain explanatory text, illustrations of the mathematical notation, videos, and pointers to additional reading.
Week 1 - Introduction to Sets, Functions and Relations
- Tutorial - Basic Set Theory
- Tutorial - Relations
- Tutorial - Writing Mathematical Proofs
Week 2 - Induction, Parse Trees and Compositional Definitions
- Tutorial - Trees
- Tutorial - Induction
- Tutorial - Parse Trees and Compositional Definitions
Week 3 - Models and Substitutions
- Tutorial - Models
- Tutorial - Substitutions
Week 4 - Derivations and Soundness
- Tutorial - Derivations
Weeks 5 - 7 - Completeness
- Tutorial - Completeness
Week 9 - First Order Logic I
- Tutorial - First Order Formulas
- Tutorial - Substitutions
Week 10 - First Order Logic II
- Tutorial - Equality
- Tutorial - Structures
Week 11 - Satisfaction, Soundness and Completeness
- Tutorial - Satisfaction
- Tutorial - Soundness and Comleteness